Sunday, September 26, 2010

Selling Knits?

So during my faceboking recently, I noticed an add for, a website for selling various handmade products (kinda like Etsy). That ad has gotten me thinking, could I sell some knits? Upon looking around on the website, I noticed that while many of the products are goregous, there are also a lot of things that are very....blah. And somehow all the blah stuff sells. I saw one garter stitch scarf, made with 100% acrylic, and when the colors were switched for stripes the knitter didn't care which side all the color nubs went. That scarf was priced at $50.....I have sold ones of better quality than that for about $15. This makes me think...maybe I could sell some basic knits. This could be an amazing way to get some extra cash. The trouble would be actually finishing the stuff I knit (I am so distracted right now when it comes to knitting).

Also interesting, through the excursion to artfire, I found a pattern that I must have. Seen above is the slouch hat by Pixiebell. I have to knit this. So far I can't find this girl on Ravelry, but all of her designs and patterns are amazing. The pattern looks simple enough, actually almost looks similar to one on my urchin hats, only longer. If only I knew how to place short rows, then I could do this. I know how to do them, but not how to get them to do what I want. *sigh*

1 comment:

  1. I am on Ravelry under the name "elfinwear" ..and hello!
