Thursday, July 29, 2010


So today is my first day frogging a project.....oh fun..... Well I am not enjoying this one bit. I hated knitting this, and I hate frogging it. Its the Valentine Candy Pillow from Domiknitrix. Its a really fun pillow but I hated making it and never ended up stitching it together. Its also the first pattern that I decided to pay for, so I now feel extra bad

At least I really like this froggie!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

My lacy shrug

so i am finished my first garment and I am suuuuuuuper happy with it. Technically I finished it last week but hey....I don't care. The pattern is the ribbed lace bolero.....and it is such an easy pattern and really customizable. Most of my girlfriends are gonna get one, and possible with different lace stitches than the pattern.
So not the best picture ever, but I didn't do a full photo shoot or anything. This picture was really just so that I can brag to facebook. But this got me thinking that I should do a photo shoot of all my knitted items. At this point I realized I had given most of them away....... dammit. So I am now deciding that I will take tons of pictures every time I finish something. This way I an have a full album to show off what I have done

In other knitting news, I am working on 2 bags. One of them was something I just started knitting with no pattern, it sat around for a few weeks, and I am picking it back up again. Its pretty big, in fact I could easily make it a pillow case, but I will see (*this could be the beginning of an original pattern!!). The other bag is from a pattern I have been dying to try for a while now, the weekender. This is for a friend but I am going to have to make one for me.

Well, ttfn (yay winnie the pooh reference)

Thursday, July 8, 2010

why can't i crochet?

So I probably enjoy finding patterns more than I enjoy making them. One issue is probably because knitting bulks up relatively slow, unlike crochet, which works up fast. Also, I just found I hat that I really really really want(
Now I have a friend who crochets, but I kinda don't want to ask her to make it only because we are both extremely competitive with our crafting and I don't want her ti get the idea that crocheting is better than knitting....also recently she broke down and learned to knit, while I still *kinda* can crochet....but not well at all (you do not want to see my granny square attempts). This girl also already made the shawl for my mother's wedding that I was gonna do, but then couldn't find the perfect knit pattern. I was gonna make her one thing that actually never got done (first I made mine and realized that I HATED the pattern, and could not pull myself to make another in the color she wanted)
Also, while knitting patterns can be hard enough to read, I swear you have to be a super spy or something to decipher a pattern for crochet.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Knitting Blog for me!!

So I read enough knitting blogs that I may as well make my own....I had another one for a bit but then I realized I spelled the name yeah, time for a new blog. SO for a first post I may as well talk about me any my knitting.
i learned to knit about a year ago, but only really got really into it last November. Over all I would say that I am very unadventurous when it comes to knitting...if that is even a real word. I tend to try easy stuff, but I am getting better, in fact just this Sunday I started my first big lacy item and my first garment..... more on that when it is done (I know that anticipation must be killing everyone reading....... which is probably no one).
I have a good sized yarn stash, and a huge queue on ravelry (my name in there is gumandskittles). I think I have more fun thinking bout what I will do rather than actually doing it.

So I guess that is all for now....buh bye